

An image of Goober wearing a tophat and holding a cane, in a funny british pose. He is standing on the word "Thank!" (this caption is for blind people)

Holy crap, people are actually looking at this. I haven't had this many people play one of my games in such a small amount of time before!
I am forever grateful for you guys, while its still not much, it shows that this project probably has a bit of promise.

I am going to update GOOBER a lot more when I get home from college today. Probably gonna add a lot more silly things that can happen, maybe improve the game's quality and fix a couple bugs. Specifically ones that happen when you perform multiple actions at once, like trying to do things while Goober is dead (the truck currently moves to Goober's X position, before moving really far to the left. This will definitely not work if Goober gets exploded by a landmine.

Thank you guys so much again for downloading and playing my little gooberpost.


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